Kelley Galloway Smith Goolsby, PSC
Certified Public Accountants and Advisors

Not-for-Profit Entities

Not-for-Profit Entities

Kelley Galloway Smith Goolsby, PSC provides a broad range of services for your not-for-profit association, charity, faith-based organization, health care entity including hospitals, human and community service organization, labor organization, educational institution, and governmental entity. Although your management processes, accounting systems, and operational methods may be similar to those of the private sector, your exemption from income taxes and fiduciary responsibilities to members, contributors, and other constituents, as well as your reporting requirements to supervising governmental entities, introduce the need for highly trained professional assistance. 

If your organization receives more than $750,000 in federal funds, you may require a “single audit” performed in accordance with the Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 200, Uniform Administration Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance).  These funds can be received directly from a federal agency or as a pass-through grant from a state or local entity.  Kelley Galloway Smith Goolsby, PSC has extensive experience performing these types of audits, as well as grant-specific audits.

Accounting and Bookkeeping Services
Board of Directors Training
Financial Statement and Assurance Services
Grant-specific Audits
Information Systems and Management Consulting
Organizational Structure Consulting
Payroll Services
Regulatory and Compliance Services
Retirement Plan Consulting
Single Audits
Strategic Planning Assistance

Preparation of Form 990
Tax Issues and Related Matters

Tax Services